Decentralized Social
4 篇文章

ZuSocial Decentralized Social Day 議程公布,線上線下同步直播

ZuSocial Hacker House 推出 Decentralized Social Day,將於 2023年11月7日土耳其時間上午10點至下午6點在伊斯坦布爾舉行 (東八區時間 11月 7日 15:00-23:00)。透過6場圓桌論壇、3場短講,我們希望重新反思社交媒體...

  • Matty

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    刘果 | Guo Liu
    刘果 | Guo Liu

    “To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Matters Lab

ZuSocial Decentralized Social Day Agenda Announced : Nov. 7th at Istanbul

ZuSocial Hacker House Presents Decentralized Social Day!It will be hosted in Istanbul on November 7th, 2023, 10AM-6PM (UTC+8: 3PM-11PM).

Matters Lab

ZuSocial Hacker House Istanbul Opens Doors for 20 Hackers in Istanbul, November 5th-19th

Join us in Istanbul this November and be part of the change. Interested participants can apply at