東華大學硬筆字教學 融貫全人教育之精神 Integration of Holistic Education and Handwriting Program at Dong Hwa University

罐子老師的靈感果醬 🍯
東華大學硬筆書法課程 融貫全人教育之精神On the Integration of Holistic Education and Handwriting Program at Dong Hwa University,硬筆書法潛能開發課程係以「自主行動」、「溝通互動」與「社會參與」為核心主軸,藉以培養大專生的書寫能力、人際溝通與互動能力,以及將專業能力轉化為作品或教學實務行動的就業能力。

東華大學硬筆書法課程 融貫全人教育之精神

On the Integration of Holistic Education and Handwriting Program at Dong Hwa University 


Center for Teaching Excellence at National Dong Hwa University administered Autonomous Learning Program, providing resources for students to have diverse and flexible accesses to learning and practicing outside the formal curriculum. Taking advantages of this program, Huang, You Zhen, Li, Jia Jing, Li, Ni Zhen and other students at the Department of Special Education initiated Handwriting Practicing and Potential Development Program. After discussing with the instructor, Lin, Guan Jie, they decided three core goals of this program: autonomous action, interactive communication, and societal participation.   




I.       Autonomous Action

By keeping Learning Diary, students tried to make it clear the obstacle blocking the learning of handwriting knowledge and skills. By means of meditation activities, individual’s attention, joy, keenness, complete awareness and willpower were enhanced. The parallel excellence of mind and body was realized.     




II.     Interactive Communication

First, Cooperative Learning was applied to foster students’ communication and interaction, which simultaneously increased individual learning effects and reached group goals. Second, students were required to upload their homework to Facebook. This made use of the immediate interactive function of the Internet social forum to enable peer review, which in turn cultivate students’ aesthetic feelings of handwriting.  




III.    Societal Participation

As the Chinese saying goes, “goal-setting is important for a man and perseverance is important for learning”, being certain to one’s goal and being tough to all the challenges will bring the fruit of success. However, back to the essence of learning, in addition to the acquisition of personal ability, putting the learned into practice and making contribution to the society are equally important. Therefore, Li, Hui Ting and Lin, Yi, Jun at the Department of Early Childhood Education followed the instructor Lin, Guan Jie, to assist the teaching in the Calligraphy Club at Jhih Syue Elementary School. During the process of helping, they also learned how to be a teacher. 

 西方俗諺有云:「練習致使完美(Practice makes perfect.)」林老師則進一步表示,要習得一手好字,除了「練習」之外,還得加上「正確」的認知,掌握正確的知識與方法,則讓練習事半功倍。另外,還有個人性格、習慣、態度及生活管理也是影響成功與否的要素。

“Practice makes perfect” but Lin further added that to learn to write beautifully, aside from practicing, correct understanding about knowledge and ways to knowledge helps yield the results with half the efforts. Moreover, personality, habit, attitude and life management are also decisive factors to success. For more information about handwriting teaching and learning, please refer to https://www.facebook.com/calligraphy520.  





【3】國立東華大學教學卓越中心(2017)《106-2 自主學習社群計畫》,計畫名稱:硬筆書法潛能開發課程(初階班)、硬筆書法潛能開發課程(進階班)、板書「習寫」及「檢定」取向密集訓練課程


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罐子老師的靈感果醬 🍯📈 學術專長 語文教育、書法教育、身心靈潛能開發 📈 近年發展 +教學卓越中心、推廣教育、樂齡大學 書法講師 +硬筆楷書線上課程 × YOTTA 平臺 特聘講師 已 455 人搶購課程 +靜心之門社群、寫字魂 SoulCalligraphy 鋼筆品牌 創辦人
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