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近期发生多起年轻中国公民在前往泰国的旅途中在缅甸边境失联的事件。Several recent incidents have involved young Chinese nationals going missing near the Myanmar border while traveling to Thailand.





According to pleas for help shared by families on social media, multiple young Chinese nationals have disappeared near the Myanmar border during their journeys to Thailand.

One of the cases involves a young actor, Xing Xing (real name Wang Xing), who has appeared in several films and TV dramas. He was reportedly planning to travel to Thailand for a filming project. According to information provided by his friends and family, Wang Xing disappeared after arriving in Bangkok and boarding a vehicle that deviated from its intended route, eventually losing contact near the Thai-Myanmar border. His girlfriend, who goes by the online alias “Sleepless Daddy,” stated, “While gathering clues, I also came across several actors with similar experiences.”

In a related incident, two young Chinese women were previously lured into a telecom fraud compound in Myanmar after entering Thailand and subsequently went missing. Recently, two more young women disappeared after arriving in Bangkok. Evidence suggests that these three cases may be interconnected.

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