「Humans of China 中国平凡人」影像|当山村里的少男少女渐渐老去



China, a vast country with a population of 1.4 billion, has been undergoing a tremendous transformation in the decades. Here, people experience happiness, anger, sorrow, illness, and death, but not every individual has the privilege of being formally recorded in history. If not recorded, their stories will vanish without a trace. So I traveled to the countryside in China to hear rural residents’ voices and witness their everyday lives, thereby recording their history that is often unseen and ignored.



She, around 70 years old, relies on low-income rural family allowance of about 1,000 yuan. She often goes to the mountains to chop firewood. She has two sons. Her younger son is a bus driver in city. When she saw me carrying a camera, she smoothed her hair, held her hands together, and smiled shyly like an 18-year-old girl.




One of the most unforgettable moments of her life was when her house was set on fire. When she was a teenager, the Kuomintang soldiers were fighting with the New Fourth Army, one of the two main communist forces in the 1930s, near her home. The New Fourth Amy suspected that the Kuomintang soldiers of plotting ambush upstairs and set her house on fire. After that, the New Fourth Army paid compensation to the lady's family.

The lady lived in a family of more than 20 people and had to do farm work throughout her pregnancy to support them. In her 30s, she fell off from mountains and her backbone was broken. Being concerned about the baby in her womb, she refused to receive bone-setting therapies. After that, her spine formed a 90-degree curve. At 87, she walks like an arched bridge.



Four decades ago, she and her husband adopted a baby girl whose family wanted a son instead. The daughter grew up and has been contacting her birth mother. While the daughter still lives with her adoptive parents, the two families visited each other regularly.



When she, pregnant in her 20s, was doing farm work, she fell off from mountains and her hip was dislocated. She sought help from the most famous bone surgeon in Fuyang, Hangzhou. The surgeon warned her that bone-setting could lead to abortion. Also, during the Cultural Revolution, doctors, among intellectuals, were deemed as "class enemies" and any patient complaints might bring them persecution. Hospitals in Hangzhou had no ideas about how to treat her. So she has lived with this dislocated hip since then.



The 95-year-old graduated from the East China Military and Political University and then taught at a military academy in Nanjing. During the land reform in China, his family was classified as "rich peasants" — their "evilness" was only second to landlords. So his son couldn't get the chance to continue his education, and dropped out of middle school. His son spent his entire life as a farmer in the countryside.



He was a silkworm farmer. After leaving his job at a silkworm factory, he returned to the countryside to farm his land.



She was born in rural areas of Hangzhou and works as a breakfast cook in city.



She never had the chance to go to school. Now she often travels to the city to look after her grandchild.



He, who used to be a town cadre, retired to raise goats at home. 


这组照片基本靠抓拍,当这些“老去的男孩女孩”面对镜头,多数的他们从容一笑,挠挠头不好意思地说,“呀,拍我呀!我不好看呐。” 我说:“怎么会?您笑得多好看!” 在我的心里,他们灿烂的笑容散发着内心深处的美。他们活了大半辈子也很少照相,我希望他们的美能在这一瞬间定格,纪念他们曾经撑起了中国的大半边天。

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夏冰雹Through knowledge, everyone can reach their full potential. 做独立的时代记录者。
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