



胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl,1859-1938)是德国哲学家,现象学的创始人和主要代表人物。他的思想对20世纪的哲学和人文科学产生了深远的影响。他的主要著作有《逻辑研究》《现象学的理念》《笛卡尔沉思集》《欧洲科学的危机》等。以下是一些他的现象学的经典语录:

• “我必须达到内在的一致性。”

(I must achieve internal consistency.) https://www.azquotes.com/author/7105-Edmund_Husserl

• “所有的知觉都是一种赌博。”

(All perception is a gamble.) https://www.azquotes.com/author/7105-Edmund_Husserl

• “我不得不哲学。否则,我就不能在这个世界上生活。”

(I had to philosophize. Otherwise, I could not live in this world.) https://www.azquotes.com/author/7105-Edmund_Husserl

• “首先,我们提出这样的命题:纯粹现象学是纯粹意识的科学。”

(To begin with, we put the proposition: pure phenomenology is the science of pure consciousness.) https://www.azquotes.com/author/7105-Edmund_Husserl https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/180033.Edmund_Husserl

• “仅仅以事实为导向的科学造就仅仅以事实为导向的人。”

(Merely fact-minded sciences make merely fact-minded people.) https://www.azquotes.com/author/7105-Edmund_Husserl https://quotlr.com/author/edmund-husserl

• “经验本身并不是科学。”

(Experience by itself is not science.) https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Edmund_Husserl

• “感知时间本身就预设了感知的时间。”

(The perception of duration itself presupposes a duration of perception.) https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/180033.Edmund_Husserl

• “我们将处于一个糟糕的境地,如果经验科学是唯一可能的科学。”

(We would be in a nasty position indeed if empirical science were the only kind of science possible.) https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/180033.Edmund_Husserl

• “哲学家,按照目前的情况,都太喜欢从高处提出批评,而不是从内部去研究和理解事物。”

(Philosophers, as things now stand, are all too fond of offering criticism from on high instead of studying and understanding things from within.) https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/180033.Edmund_Husserl

• “对于每一个对象,都对应着一个理想地封闭的真理系统,这些真理是关于它的,另一方面,也对应着一个可能的认知过程的理想系统,凭借这些认知过程,对象和关于它的真理将被任何认知主体所给予。”

(To every object there corresponds an ideally closed system of truths that are true of it and, on the other hand, an ideal system of possible cognitive processes by virtue of which the object and the truths about it would be given to any cognitive subject.) https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Edmund_Husserl

• “直接将理解和探究的目光投向纯粹意识,投向它自身的绝对存在。”

(Direct the glance of apprehension & inquiry to pure consciousness, in its own absolute Being.) https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/edmund-husserl-quotes

• “纯粹现象学的理想只有通过回答这个问题才能完善:纯粹现象学必须与广义的心理学,特别是与意识现象的描述心理学,尖锐地区分开来。”

(The ideal of a pure phenomenology will be perfected only by answering this question; pure phenomenology is to be separated sharply from psychology at large and, specifically, from the descriptive psychology of the phenomena of consciousness.)


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